So you have decided that you are ready to start planning for a Cockapoo puppy!  We are so glad you are here! What an exciting time! At the present we are working from a  Wait List only. Our waiting list is made up of families who have placed a $300 NonRefundable deposit toward their puppy from us, and are now waiting for their newest family member to be born and ready to go home! There are a few things to keep in mind about the wait list, and I hope to help make this part of the process clear and easy to understand here. If you have ANY questions after reading, do not hesitate to CONTACT US


What a Deposit is NOT.

A deposit is not time specific.
There is so much that goes into the timing of taking home a puppy——-a female’s heat cycle timing, a successful breeding, a successful pregnancy, a successful birth, how many puppies are in a litter and how many males and females are in that litter just to start! To be very honest, there are more things out of our control in this process than there are in our control! Although we can estimate, all we can go by are averages and although this usually gets you very close, we just want to make sure you understand that there is no way we can guarantee a specific timing. Remember...good things are worth waiting for! It may take a few months before you take home that precious Cockapoo puppy but the wait will be so worth it!

A deposit is not color or gender specific.
Although we do not mind at all when families have preferences, we do want everyone to understand that the hair color on a puppy doesn’t change the quality of that puppy. Although we try to have a nice variety of colors available, color is only the “icing on the cake” and cannot be guaranteed. Providing us with your "wishes" helps us to know what our families are looking for in their Cockapoo Puppy. Letting us know your "wishes" is a guide for us in our breeding program. When it is your turn to select your puppy you are able to select a Cockapoo puppy from all those that are offered at that time or wait for the next litter of Cockapoo puppies. You are not bound to a gender or color when it is your turn to select a puppy. Remember color and gender cannot be guaranteed in any litter so the more flexible you are with regards to color and gender the faster you will take a Cockapoo Puppy home with you. If you are unsure about a boy or a girl puppy read the page Male vs. Female page.

A deposit is not litter specific.
We work off of one deposit list as it is the way we feel that we can be the most fair while moving families through in a timely fashion to receive their puppy. Therefore, a deposit is on our Wait List program, and not on any particular parent or litter. You can be assured that any dog we breed will meet the high standards we have and we are always working toward seeking the highest quality in our Cockapoo puppies!

A deposit is not refundable for any reason.
Please make sure that you have your questions answered, (some of your additional questions maybe answered on our FAQ page) you are ready to bring a Cockapoo puppy into  your home/family and you are sure about working with us prior to making your deposit as it is non-refundable for any reason. Like I said earlier, a “deposit” to be placed on the Wait List is the  first payment on a puppy. It means that we are reserving a place on the Wait List for you, we are committing our time and energy in providing you information, answering questions, working with you throughout the entire process so you take home the perfect puppy. It is both your commitment to us and our commitment to you.  Your name being on the Wait List also changes the timing that we tell potential families. Because of this, we do not return deposits if you change your mind about a puppy.   However, if, after you have selected your puppy, my vet finds a health issue that will cause the puppy to not be a fit companion, I will refund the deposit or place you back on the Wait List.  

What a deposit is!

A deposit is securing your spot on the  Wait List.
Making a deposit means you have had your questions answered and you are confident we are the Breeder to provide your family with a quality pet/companion. Please understand, no matter how much we may chat on the phone, no matter how many emails we send back and forth——-if you haven’t made a deposit, you are not on our wait list yet. We will answer questions for as long as you need, but your spot is not reserved on the wait list until your deposit is received. Once you have made your deposit, you will receive an email indicating your number on the wait list and you are now a part of the Attala County Cockapoos family! Welcome!! Those on the wait list will be the first to hear news of new moms being bred, due dates, possible colors, when puppies arrive, what is in the litter (gender & color) and of course, best of all! New puppy pictures!

A deposit with us is the first payment on your Cockapoo puppy.
When you make a deposit, you have already made your first payment on your new little one! Although they may not even be born yet, this deposit is our understanding that you are serious about giving a home to one of our Cockapoo puppies and our promise that we will have a puppy for you! After your $300 deposit, the remaining balance on your puppy will vary, depending on the color/gender/markings of your puppy. Please see more information regarding pricing on our Purchasing Info page.  You will be provided puppy prices at selection time.

A deposit indicates you have read and agree to the Health Warranty.
When you make your deposit you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions in our Health Warranty.  This means you agree to take your Cockapoo Puppy to a licensed veterinarian within 120 total hours of pick up for a health and fecal exam plus other obligations outlined in the Health Warranty.  We will give a hard copy of our Warranty at pick up.  

A deposit can be made at any time.
I mean this in a couple of different ways:

—-Some breeders only take deposits on puppies of certain ages or litters after a confirmed pregnancy, etc. We take deposits at any time and you simply have your name added to the bottom of the list. As we have litters fairly regularly we feel that this is the best way to structure our waiting list.

—-Also, if you know you want a puppy from us, but aren’t able to get that puppy for quite some time, it is not a problem to get on the list now! All you need to do is let us know the date that you are able to take a puppy and you will move up the list while you wait! This situation is a great option for those planning in advance to bring home a puppy as it gives you the best chance of having the puppy you want available in your time frame. It is not uncommon for families to plan 12 months in advance to get a puppy. Again, we recommend placing a deposit as soon as you decide that you want your puppy to come from us

How to make your deposit in order to be added to the waitlist?
Use any of the options below:
  1. Place your deposit of $300 via Venmo or Zelle with cell number 601-416-1802.  
  2. Send a personal check made to Tonia Hatcher, 2057 Attala Rd. 1154, Kosciusko, MS 39090.  Your name will be added when the check is received.
  3. Which ever method of payment you choose, please, please make sure you have provided a current email address, as this is the means I will use to notify you when it is your turn for selection.  

A deposit needs a follow-up!!
We have many families who make a deposit and don't ever touch base with us. This can make confusion in trying to contact you! Once you make your NonRefundable deposit please CONTACT US so we have your current information and can get in touch with you, keep in touch with you as the process moves along. (This is especially important if any of your contact information changes.  We are NOT responsible if we try to contact you and cannot due to a lack of information or because of changes in this information.)  This will make things much easier, and ensure that we can get a hold of you for communication in the future! Please include:  Your name, Email Address, Cell Phone Number, Gender, Color and Timing.

NOW....You may be asking...How are Cockapoo Puppies Selected.

  1. Puppies under 5 weeks old are selected by pictures only (read Visiting on the Purchase Information Page).  
  2. When puppies are about 10  - 14 days old individual pictures are posted on a weblink and the link is provided to all families on the Wait List.
  3. When Selection starts with each litter of puppies we start by contacting the first family on the Wait List  via email and offer them their choice of Cockapoo Puppies and move down the Wait List.
  4. Each family has 24 hours to either accept a Cockapoo Puppy from the litter(s) offered or wait for another litter of Cockapoo Puppies. I will contact you by the email that you have given me.  If I do not hear from you w/i the 24 hr. time frame or if you notify me and indicate that you are not interested in this particular litter , I will note you as a Pass and  move to the next person on the list. 
  5. This means that if the gender, color or timing does not suit you at the time your family is offered a puppy you can wait for another litter of Cockapoo puppies.
  6. This also means that as those families higher up on the Wait List adopt their puppy those families toward the bottom of the wait list move toward the top of the Wait List. 
  7. Please be advised, while we have puppies or puppies coming most of the time, it could possibly take as long as 6 months to get the puppy of your choice.  This is not the usual case, but sometimes Mother Nature doesn't cooperate the way we would prefer. 
  8. If you select a puppy and then have a change of heart after a period of one week, your deposit is forfeited

Listed below are the Wait List Families (Updated 03/16/24) 

  1. Batson (brown sable & tan Merle male)
  2. Morgan  pass until notified
  3. Lichtenstein pass until notified
  4. Carson (bl/wh female) 
  5. Henderson pass until notified
  6. Hegler
  7. Gibson  no response (1 Becca &Nina) no response (2 Darla & Ritz)
  8. Riley  no response (1 Kitty & Speck)  no response (Becca & Ritz litters
  9. Skinner
  10. Miller
  11. Boykin
  12. Chisenhall